Koordinator proyek kabupaten akan membantu dalam pengawasan proyek madrasah yang melaksanakan MDP dan bantu memonitor dan evaluasi kinerja mereka. Mereka mempunyai spesifik tugas sebagai berikut:
(i) Mengevaluasi rencana pengembangan madrasah (MDP) yang diusulkan oleh DCU untuk penyerahan lebih lanjut ke CPMU;
(ii) Bekerja dengan Kandepag dalam menyiapkan dan mengintegrasi rencana-rencana keuangan tahunan dari madrasah dan memastikan bahwa masing-masing penerima manfaat dari dana proyek mengelola dana tersebut sesuai dengan sistim keuangan proyek;
(iii) Mengkoordinir pengumpulan data pada penelusuran proyek (keuangan dan aktivitas) dan menyiapkan pondasi untuk TA paralel melengkapi laporan pemenuhan formal;
(iv) Mengintegrasi dan membuat laporan bulanan, kuartalan dan tahunan untuk pelaksanaan proyek;
(v) Mengkoordinir pertemuan di tingkat kabupaten;
(vi) Memonitor kontribusi dari para penasihat manajemen proyek;
(vii) Mengkoordinir dan monitor aplikasi PMIS berbasis sistim;
(viii) Memonitor masing-masing program advokasi kabupaten untuk peningkatan akses terhadap saluran yang ada untuk tambahan dana madrasah.
Objective/Purpose of the Assignment:
To assist the District Coordinating Unit (DCU) with constantly, in office management, secretariat work, financial management, accounting, and data management.
Scope of Work:
- Prepare workplan for 6 (six months);
- Give training on book keeping to treasurer of madrasah;
- To monitor the plan and realization of block grant in each madrasah and prepare consolidation report for all madrasah based on the facilitator’s report;
- Verification and Validation of facilitator’s report from each madrasah;
- Prepare the DCU expenditure and it’s documentation;
- To file all DCU activities and expenditure documentation and produce it whenever needed;
- Assist madrasah and coordinate with facilitators to follow-up on BPKP Audit result until completed;
- Assist treasurer of Public Madrasah on the documentation to disburse block grant fund.
- Give advice or provide solution on problems arise at madrasah related to financial when requested;
- Compile SP2D & it’s supporting documents (Payment Notice (BAP) and Receipt (Kwitansi)) for public madrasah when applying for Widrawal Aplication (WA) to ADB;
- Prepare daily report, monthly report, quarterly report and mid-term report after consolidation;
- Assist DCU in preparing the monthly report, quarterly report and mid-term report
- Give explanation on the Guidelines (Juknis Juklak) on implementation supplement to madrasah and when needed provide direct practice;
- Compile all data on Block Grant utility plan and realization from madrasah to be submitted to Admin and accounting staff in relation to compiling of consolidation report;
- Assist the procurement process in madrasah and when needed provide practice and give example and prepare it if necessary;
- Assist madrasah to compile procurement plan, contract recapitulation contract and inventory of goods;
- Provide solution or advice on problem arises in madrasah in relation to block grant implementation;
1. Workplan for 6 (six) months;
2. DCU Expenditure Documents;
3. Follow-up on BPKP Audit;
4. SP2D and it’s supporting documents
5. Monthly consolidation report, quarterly and mid-term report.
6. Procurement plan, contract recapitulation and inventory of goods
Objective/Purpose of the Assignment:To assist the District Coordinating Unit (DCU) in all MEDP project implementation activities in Madrasahs.Scope of Work:
- Assist the District Project Coordinator in preparing and implementing the annual program, project implementation activities, and work plans.
- Assist the madrasah in preparing programs and quality assurance reports in relation to MDPs.
- Assist and guide Madrasahs and Madrasah Committees in management and utilization of Block Grant fund.
- Integrate all madrasah program reports of project to be submitted to PCU and CPMU.
- Assist the District Project Coordinator other than administrative stuff and support any matters as requested.
- Assist the District Project Coordinator on establishment and operationalization of PMIS, FMIS and M&E of projects’ implementation progress.
- Assist teachers’ training on quality, assurance advice and managing and planning advisor in implementation of the activities at Madrasah level.
- Assist the Distric Coordinating Unit in monitoring and evaluation all activity madrasah project in relation to MDPs
- Assist the madrasahs project in developing program relatied to all component activity MEDP project
- Document on Report of the activities of implementation of the annual program, project implementation activities and work plans.
- Document of programs and quality assurance reports in relation to MDPs.
- Activities on management and utilization of Block Grant fund in line with project guideline..
- compilation of program reports to be submitted to PCU and CPMU.
- ease madrasah in implementing programs.
- periodic report on data required for PMIS, FMIS and M&E of projects’ implementation progress per two weeks.
- the implementation of teacher related programs in madrasahs.
- madrasah development program document per semester.
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